• Free Assistance for Open Enrollment with Liberty Tax

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    November 05, 2014

    DID YOU KNOW that open enrollment starts November 15th for Affordable Health Care…aka Obama-care? The penalty for not having health care is $95 per adult (or 1% of your income, whichever is higher!!!) and $47.50 for each child up to $285 per family.  And to add to that, if you don’t have insurance OR the exemption, it will delay your tax return at least 3-5 WEEKS!! That means if you normally get your taxes done in January, and your return back 2 weeks later….TRY WAITING UNTILL MARCH OR APRIL!!!!!

    We can come to you!! We will come to businesses that don’t offer health insurance to its employees!!! And get this….ENROLLMENT IS FREE!!!!  Yes 100% FREE!!

    This year almost ANYONE can qualify for an exemption. So how do you get the exemption??? By calling 678-721-0000, or stopping by Liberty Tax on Tennessee St (by the Little Caesars).

    Liberty Tax