• The Chamber Weekly Blog

    A collection of articles that we believe will add value to you and your business!
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 29, 2019
    These days it feels like everything is online and if you don’t have an online presence you’re being left in the dust. But there are plenty of businesses existing only on a Facebook page. Some feel like they don’t have the time to create a website while others don’t even know where to start. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 22, 2019
    I work with small businesses in marketing. I can tell when my suggestions aren’t registering. For some, it starts early when I mention increasing their social media presence. For others, it takes more technology talk like when I bring up an email list. Some of these small business owners simply nod at my suggestions. The more direct of them ask, “Do I really need these things?” Maybe you share their feelings. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 15, 2019
    If you’re online for business, you’ve likely been told to engage and be human. But what does that look like? And can you do it wrong? Yes, you can but it’s also easy to avoid these common mistakes. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 8, 2019
    Even if you’re only occasionally sending out emails and can’t/won’t commit to a newsletter, you MUST HAVE a list. I’m not even exaggerating or trying to scare you. In today’s business climate, most products and services aren’t instantaneous decisions. Generally, the person making the purchasing decision thinks about it before they even step foot in your place of business. If you’re not in touch with them on a regular basis, you won’t be on their mind when they decide to buy. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 1, 2019
    There’s been a lot of talk over the past several years about the younger generation’s desire for mentors. It’s an odd combo of wants for them. They’ve been told for decades by their helicopter parents that they can do anything. But in spite of that constant reassurance, they desire a consultative relationship with someone who knows what they’re doing, someone who’s been around the “rodeo” a few seasons. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, June 24, 2019
    Most customer service problems arise from scrambled expectations. This expectation could involve quality, timeline, courtesy, or a variety of other things. But the biggest problems for businesses stem from disjointed expectations. This is actually good news because it's something you can work on. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, June 17, 2019
    Ever heard the saying, “If you need something done, give it to a busy person.”? While that may work for errands, many business owners are finding they’re too busy for business anymore. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, June 10, 2019
    Have you ever waited a really long time for something like a movie to come out, only to be disappointed? Or maybe a friend told you how wonderful a particular city was. But when you went there it wasn’t nearly as fantastic as your imagination—and your friend—had made it out to be. Are you worried chamber membership will turn out the same way? Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, June 3, 2019
    Providing quality content is important for your audience and critical to your success on social media. Your audience members are looking for answers to their questions and they want it all in one nice, neat place. After all, who has time to look for things all over the web? Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, May 20, 2019
    For brevity’s sake, let’s assume you have something you want to get out of social media for your business. Maybe it’s more customers. Maybe you want to streamline your customer support and make it more accessible. Or maybe you just want to get your business name out there. And that’s exactly what this article is for...getting more from your social media. Read more
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