• The Chamber Weekly Blog

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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, April 22, 2019
    If you’re looking for a new way to reach your clients or customers or to increase your exposure to a new generation of visual learners, you should consider YouTube. It’s easy and engaging and helps your audience get to know you more effectively. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, April 15, 2019
    Good customer service isn’t something everyone is born knowing. While most of us have been customers the better part of our lives in one aspect or another, many of us don’t take the time to stop and think what makes extraordinary customer service and what tactics build strong customer relations. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, April 8, 2019
    If you do a lot of your own marketing for your business, you need to be able to write. But before you start worrying about what that looks like, consider it’s a lot less formal than when your high school teacher talked to you about persuasive essays. Today, it’s all about connections. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, April 1, 2019
    By taking control of your time, you’re able to stay focused on the task at hand. This leads to higher efficiency since you never lose momentum. Implementing a time management plan can do wonders to not only your working environment but also to you personally. Managing time means less stress, more time to do the things you love and more opportunities for you in the future. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, March 25, 2019
    Having recently watched The 10 Commandments, starring Charlton Heston, I was reminded of the Biblical account of the plagues that came upon Egypt, most notably the plague of frogs and how we can sometimes feel overrun by all the things we need to get done. There was no escaping frogs. They were everywhere. Frogs were in their houses, bedrooms, beds, ovens, even in their jars of flour. Sometimes it can feel that same way when our to-do list grows exponentially, as we go from one meeting to another, taking on more action items to complete. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, March 18, 2019
    Emojis are unbelievably powerful in business and yes, it pains me to write this. I’m old school and maybe you are too. Maybe you see emojis as a dumbing down of business communications but the reality is that they are here to stay...at least until our AI assistants start handling the emotions for us. All joking aside, emojis are a powerful form of communication and one you should be embracing (assuming a few things) now as part of your business. Here’s how... Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, March 11, 2019
    It always surprises me when people are more in love with the idea of “a business” than “the business.” Many these days know they want to be entrepreneurs long before they have the idea that will help them become one. But if you’re ready, here’s how you can begin your path to business ownership. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, March 4, 2019
    There's a lot of noise out there right now. It's hard for a business to break through. But let's say you do and someone is trying you out for the first time. How can you not only exceed their expectations but delight them in a way they'll be talking about you later. Here are a few ideas on how you can make a big impression... Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, February 25, 2019
    The new year is a time of review and introspection coupled with making new promises for the future. We are often filled with a sense of control over our destiny and a desire to begin again. If you’re feeling the same, here are a few ways you can capitalize on the new year’s momentum by embracing the habits of successful people: Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, February 18, 2019
    The business landscape changes on a near daily basis and that drives almost a constant need for professional learning. Never before has it been more essential that you not only keep up with the details of your own job and industry but others as well. If you don't, there's a good chance your business will struggle. If you want to stay on top of your industry and continue to attract new customers while retaining old there are a few key skills you should master this year. Read more
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