• The Chamber Weekly Blog

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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, September 28, 2020
    Log on to social media or do a search online and notice how many different challenges there are out there. There are weight loss challenges, exercise challenges, being present challenges, even savings challenges. Challenges are a very hot commodity these days as people want a quick-hit solution to their problems. They’re good for the person attempting them but they’re an even better for the business creating them. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, September 21, 2020
    Email subject lines are one of the most important things to master because they directly affect your open rate. And more opens means more possible action. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, September 14, 2020
    Storytelling makes for amazing marketing because people don't realize they're being marketed to. They're pulled into the story. They develop an emotional attachment to your business and they stick around for the resolution. Good storytelling casts your customers as the heroes of their stories. You want their successes and triumphs to be told because you want potential customers to hear the stories and think that they can do those things too. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, August 31, 2020
    Are you struggling for customers or do you wish you had more clients? Aside from needing more time in the day, this is one of the most common sources of angst for small businesses. But how do you get more leads if you can’t afford to hire a shark of a salesperson? You follow these lead generation tips... Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, August 24, 2020
    Nearly all businesses experience the cyclical doldrums. For many, that's the end of January or February when the weather is bad and no one wants to go out. But regardless of when your slow time is, it's never a good time for the small business owner, no matter how predictable. Here are several ideas to increase sales during your traditionally slow times. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, August 10, 2020
    If you were a little late to the website grab, you may have discovered that the name of your business had already been taken. Sometimes it's possible to purchase that name but other times a website already exists with your business’ name. Obviously, this is not ideal for your branding. But as the internet expands and more businesses come online .com and .net endings are no longer enough to meet demand. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Wednesday, August 5, 2020
    People are tired of the same old chatter. So how do you get their attention again? You do so by altering your patterns of communication and working on what you share. Here are several ideas that can help jump-start your business posts whether it be on your blog or on social media. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, August 3, 2020
    Do you have more than one person posting to your social media accounts? Maybe you have a couple of people on your marketing team or maybe you invite your customer service team members to post. Even if you only have one person posting to all of your accounts, it's important to remain consistent in your posting. Consistency helps your audience recognize you and paints a much more effective picture of your business. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 27, 2020
    I've worked with many businesses in creating content for their website. When I do, one of the questions I ask is what makes them different from their competition. Almost always they answer their customer service and their willingness to stand behind their product or service. Perfect. Except…Every business thinks they have these things. And even if they do, this does not make them unique in the marketplace. They need something else. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, July 20, 2020
    When you’re merely meeting expectations, you’ll never rock the reviews. You need to start at “good” and aim for “mind-blowing.” The good news is data from Yelp shows it's easier than you think. Read more
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