• The Chamber Weekly Blog

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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, November 30, 2020
    I have a friend who claims 80% of his business comes from his podcast. He works in a consulting capacity and helps businesses land contracts. He hosts a weekly podcast that has grown his business and following astronomically. If you talk to him he will tell you podcasting is the place to be. And for him it is. His reputation as a thought leader, industry insider, and all around “go-to guy” is key to his brand. But is podcasting right for you? Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, November 23, 2020
    You likely have heard the phrase, “you need to spend money to make money.” I'm not here to argue that from either side but digital marketing has allowed businesses with very small budgets to make a big impression. While it hasn't exactly leveled the playing field, it certainly has helped businesses gain a larger audience with very little investment. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, November 16, 2020
    When business owners complain that their social media efforts aren't paying off and they just aren't seeing a return in their investment of time, it’s usually because they’re using the Jackson Pollack approach to social. They’re simply “flinging” paint on a canvas. There’s no goal behind what they’re doing. It’s random. That approach may create beautiful art, but it rarely works for business. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, November 9, 2020
    Do you have a business newsletter? If you don't, what's holding you back? Is content the issue? Are you just not sure what you're going to tell your customers in every newsletter? Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, November 2, 2020
    Today, as a business professional, you're expected to give a certain amount of your knowledge away for free. It's simply the professional standard. While we can argue whether you should do this or not, the truth is much of your competition is probably already offering free content and other benefits of their knowledge. If you don't do the same, you will lose out. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, October 26, 2020
    If you're on social media for business, you’re one of many voices. It’s hard to stand out and cultivate an audience of people who want to hear from you…let alone look eagerly for your content. Wouldn’t that be great? Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, October 19, 2020
    Do you feel like your business is just shouting into the wind? Does it seem like the time you spend on social media is extensive but yields few results? Are you sick and tired of Zoom calls that take too long and accomplish too little? If so, it might be time to think about experiential marketing. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, October 12, 2020
    The return-on-investment is quite high with experiential marketing because people remember experiences. They share them and they write reviews based on them. If you want to improve your sales and get more people talking about your business, experiential marketing is a great way to do it. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, October 5, 2020
    Are you tired of the words “new normal” yet? If you're like most business owners, you probably are. But whether we recognize it as a new shift in how we do business or a temporary tack we take to survive the current economic storm, the point is how you do business has to change if you want to continue to connect to your audience. Read more
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    Adam McEntyre
    Monday, September 28, 2020
    Log on to social media or do a search online and notice how many different challenges there are out there. There are weight loss challenges, exercise challenges, being present challenges, even savings challenges. Challenges are a very hot commodity these days as people want a quick-hit solution to their problems. They’re good for the person attempting them but they’re an even better for the business creating them. Read more
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