• The Chamber Weekly Blog

    A collection of articles that we believe will add value to you and your business!
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    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, January 18, 2024
    I recently spoke with an SEO expert who swore that search engines are biased against AI-written websites (websites that have not one word written by a human). He said AI-written websites are something search engines are discounting for (marking you down) because of the possibility of the sites being fake or holder sites. I can’t speak to the truth behind this but if you do still want to write some of your own copy, here are three copywriting tips you can implement today that AI isn’t using. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, December 21, 2023
    If every small business owner had the opportunity to write a letter to Santa (or whoever grants Christmas wishes to business owners), they would likely all ask for the same thing—more loyal customers. Sure, the ask may sound different in each form of correspondence. It may be a request for more customers, higher revenue, more reviews, and the like. But all those things boil down to loyalty. Loyal customers spend more, tell others about their experience, refer people to your business, post to social media about you, and return over and over. They may even write a review or two. Building a loyal customer base is better for your business in the long run than simply getting more customers. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, November 30, 2023
    Launching a business is a thrilling journey filled with possibilities and challenges. While no year is without challenges, the first few are particularly so for most businesses. Many naive owners think that if they can make it through the first year, their success is guaranteed. However, that isn’t the case. The first year actually has the lowest failure rate. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 20% of small businesses fail within their first year. The failure rate increases to 30% by the end of the second year, 50% by the fifth year, and 70% by the tenth year. That’s because there are challenges beyond bringing in customers. The main challenges (reasons businesses fail) like cash flow problems, lack of demand for the product or service, and insufficient capital in addition to sustaining growth while staying relevant in a competitive landscape, can make starting a business exciting and daunting. But you don’t have to go it alone. Your chamber of commerce is a wealth of resources for your new business and can help you with some of the ideas below. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Tuesday, November 21, 2023
    Small businesses everywhere are enjoying the trend of shopping local. Many organizations, including the Chamber, understand the importance of helping the community realize the value of small businesses. Even with this help, your local business still has two major challenges—marketing (making sure people think about you when they’re ready to buy) and convincing them that shopping local is not an expensive undertaking, especially when 69% of people are saying they’re going to reduce non friends and family buying. While pundits believe spending will increase over last year, albeit not be a large amount, the reality of that prediction is yet to be determined. With the specter of reduced spending hanging over us to dampen this holiday season, you may be wondering what you can do to ensure customer spending is directed your way. Creating a compelling holiday offer can set your business apart and drive more sales. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Wednesday, November 15, 2023
    AI is certainly the “Belle of the Ball” these days but it’s also coming under scrutiny. It can save businesses a lot of time, but many professionals are afraid of what the adoption might mean. Is it right for you and your business? Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
    December is a critical time for nonprofits, as it marks the final stretch of the year to achieve fundraising and community impact goals. But what you might not realize is how a chamber of commerce can help your holiday giving campaigns. The chamber can be a valuable resource to support your mission going into December and beyond. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, November 2, 2023
    Whether it’s coming from mounting pressure from your city or state or requests from customers, the call for sustainability is growing louder. Small businesses, just like their larger counterparts, have a crucial role to play in reducing their ecological footprint. But for small businesses operating on tight budgets, embracing eco-friendly practices might seem like a daunting challenge. Sustainability doesn't have to break the bank. In fact, there are numerous creative ways in which you can make eco-friendly choices without draining your resources. And since part of sustainability is reducing waste, let’s not waste any time and get right to ways you can start making a change today. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, October 19, 2023
    As the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisp, Halloween offers businesses a bewitching opportunity to embrace the spirit of the season and boost customer engagement. With a little creativity and a dash of spooky flair, you can draw crowds and appeal to your ideal customers. Here are some spooktacular Halloween-inspired ideas to help your small business shine during this spine-tingling season. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Friday, October 13, 2023
    As costs rise and drive up the costs of goods, your customers are looking for value. Providing quality products or services is no longer enough. To truly stand out and succeed, you need to deliver unforgettable, engaging, and emotionally resonating experiences to your customers. This shift toward experiential selling has become increasingly vital, particularly in crowded and competitive niches. So, let’s delve into the concept of experiential selling and explore how you can refocus your business plan to prioritize it to capture the attention and loyalty of your audience. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Tuesday, October 10, 2023
    Do you have a limited marketing budget? Do you think what you can accomplish with your budget is less than ideal because you don’t have the money of a large company? While that may seem true, there is one thing you can do to really move the dial and maximize your small marketing budget. Sure, there are many ways to get “free” marketing through social media and growing your referral network but using funds in a targeted way can have a huge impact on obtaining more customers and showing the community who you are. Read more