• The Chamber Weekly Blog

    A collection of articles that we believe will add value to you and your business!
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    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, August 24, 2023
    Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership is one of the best-kept secrets for free or nearly free business resources like webinars, lunch & learns, and written collateral. Plus, a whole lot more. Chamber membership is one of the best business investments you can make for the money and return. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Friday, August 18, 2023
    In the bustling world of small business, as entrepreneurs and professionals, we often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of routines, habits, and attachments that no longer serve our growth, personally or professionally. In the pursuit of success, we accumulate emotional baggage, physical clutter, mental burdens, and antiquated processes that hinder us from experiencing the success we truly desire. These things are familiar, and thus, safe. They seem harmless enough. But when you look more closely, you’ll see they are holding you back. Perhaps it’s time to make room for things that will serve you—and your company—better. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, August 10, 2023
    Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the company you keep?” It has good and bad ramifications, doesn’t it? It’s often applied to young people and their friends. But did you know this “Halo Effect” influences customers as well? And you could be using it in your business for amazing results. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, August 3, 2023
    If you’re old enough, you likely remember your parents addressing the issues of group think. Maybe they said, “Monkey see, monkey do.” Perhaps you were trying to win an argument by telling them how you’re the only person not allowed to do something, to which they replied, “If everyone jumped off of a bridge, would you do it too?” But as much as your parents were trying to raise you to be a person who thinks on their own, we are social creatures. We long for acceptance. We have a fear of missing out. And it’s those very social drives you can leverage to get more customers. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Friday, July 28, 2023
    Do you think of LinkedIn as something to be used solely by job seekers? While the world's largest professional network is widely recognized as a platform for job seekers and recruiters to connect, that’s not all it can do. Its potential goes far beyond job hunting. For savvy business owners and professionals, LinkedIn offers a treasure trove of opportunities to find customers, strengthen their brand, and expand their network. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Friday, July 21, 2023
    Have you ever seen the movie Up? In it, there’s a scene where a talking dog (he has a collar that translates his thoughts) is explaining his voice, only to be derailed by the passing of a squirrel. You may know this example as “shiny object syndrome.” Whatever you call it, it’s becoming a big problem for businesses and entrepreneurs. Here’s why and what you can do about it if it’s interfering with your success. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Friday, July 14, 2023
    Facebook err…Meta does it again. We have yet another social media platform to consider. Usually when advising businesses on whether they should participate on a social media platform, I ask them who their ideal client is and then we go by demographics. If your ideal customer is on the platform, go for it. If not, skip it—unless you just really enjoy being overextended in your posts and social media attention. But threads isn’t exactly a new platform. Well, it is technically. But if you have Instagram, it feels more like an extension. Note: at the time of this writing, members of the EU cannot join because it is blocked currently owing to privacy questions. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, July 6, 2023
    Recently, the May NFIB Small Business Optimism Index results came out. While they were certainly not surprising, if you’re feeling concerned about your business, you’re not alone. Seeing what others are struggling with (and what they’re doing in the face of these struggles) can be helpful. This article gives you the highlights of the Index results for May. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, June 22, 2023
    First, you’re probably thinking if everyone in the chamber (and beyond) reads this article and follows the advice here, no one will be unforgettable because we’ll all be following the same instructions. But in the words of the famous Dr. Seuss, “There is no one alive more youier than you” so being the same isn’t possible if you’re true to who you are. With that in mind, let’s talk about how you can begin to standout and make worthwhile connections, even if you hate networking. Read more
    Christina Metcalf and Edited by Julie Carroll
    Thursday, June 15, 2023
    Before you read this article, open the internet, and ask “How many business professionals are busy?” For a little extra fun, substitute business professionals with your specific industry. You’ll see pages and pages of results and studies all saying the same thing—more than half of people are busy (some studies report well over 75%) and stressed because of it. Busyness, not to be confused with business, is the top impediment to adopting a growth mindset, and yet most business gurus will tell you a growth mindset is exactly what you need to thrive as a business owner or high-performing employee/leader. So why are we getting in our own way and what can we do about it? Read more